Does anyone know how UK JW's have been instructed to act on this point? (following the EU's GDPR directives)
The Fall Guy
JoinedPosts by The Fall Guy
Keeping Records of 'Not At Homes'
by The Fall Guy indoes anyone know how uk jw's have been instructed to act on this point?
(following the eu's gdpr directives).
UK Law Contradiction?
by The Fall Guy inaccording to the crown prosecution service, "concealing an arrestable offence" is a criminal act - punishable by law.. "the offence of perverting the course of justice overlaps with a number of other statutory offences.
before preferring such a charge, consideration must be given to the possible alternatives referred to in this charging standard and, where appropriate, any of the following offences; concealing an arrestable offence: s.5 criminal law act 1967.
The Fall Guy
According to the Crown Prosecution Service, "concealing an arrestable offence" is a criminal act - punishable by law.
"The offence of perverting the course of justice overlaps with a number of other statutory offences. Before preferring such a charge, consideration must be given to the possible alternatives referred to in this Charging Standard and, where appropriate, any of the following offences; Concealing an arrestable offence: s.5 Criminal Law Act 1967."
However, the UK Police take the view that no one is obliged to report a crime, (regardless of its seriousness)
"Whilst there is no legal requirement to report a crime, there is a moral duty on everyone of us to report to the police any crime or anything we suspect may be a crime."
At the very least, these two statements prove that JW elders are im-moral when they choose not to involve the police in cases of alleged paedophilia.
London Protest 2018
by josephus inwell today marks the beginning and biggest day of our protest at the london excel.. we believe it's a record number at around 100 exjws at the front door.. we spoke to lots of jw's and one young man studying who has quit after talking to us.
we've been approached privately by jw's who thanked us for coming and the security at the event treated us very well.. if anyone wants to see some clips they are available on my channel the great apostate.. thanks to all for the support and love..
The Fall Guy
Well done Josephus! I hope the local media outlets report on it.
Is Jesus Christ, Jehovah God? (Not the Father, but Equal to the Father)
by JW Answers injehovah's witnesses,is jesus christ, jehovah god?
(not the father, but equal to the father)what if the watchtower told you about god in a false way, and yet the bible taught you about god in his true character, how would you respond?could it be true, that the watchtower have been leading you up the garden path, describing god in a way that the bible does not describe?
please watch my latest video to help you to see how the bible describes the lord jesus christ, and also within my video, i explain from the new world translation how the bible which the jws use, also describes jesus as jehovah god.
The Fall Guy
Am I correct in saying that Mormons (LDS) teach this belief?
why the watchtower is so short of money
by pepperheart inthe watchtower is so short of money because they have to pay for all the upkeep of so many branch offices around the world.because so many of the branch offices are in very poor countries and they are not balancing the budgets.
The Fall Guy
Three incontrovertible facts surrounding the WTBTS's financial status still haven't been explained/revealed, resulting in various theories and speculations:
1) The org has never had greater cash-injections its history - every congregation's monthly excess funds, every congregation's bank balances over 3-6 months running costs, sales of prime real estate in London & New York, sale of various Branch offices, income from the sales of KH's worldwide.
2) The org's running costs have probably never been lower in its history, thanks to the draconian cuts to Bethelites, elimination of District Overseers, culling of C.O.'s & Special Pioneers, and the greatest cost-cutting strategy of all, virtually eliminating the physical production of literature and replacing it electronically/digitally.
3) Never in its history has the WTBTS begged its adherents for money so regularly and blatantly.
Leaving the big questions - Why is there such a current panic/frenzy regarding funds, and where is all the cash going?
they changed it a year ago
by galaxie injust spoke to an elder at the carts, whilst discussing the gb (faithful slave) he informs me they are nowpart of the 'domestics'?
anyone have any 'new light' on this?.
The Fall Guy
July 15 2013 Study Watchtower, page 13, par. 23: “Who, then, are the domestics? Put simply, they are those who are fed. Early in the last days, the domestics were all anointed ones. Later, the domestics came to include the great crowd of other sheep.”
.............quickly followed on page 24 with the wonderful "new light" that the "evil slave" was no longer something to worry about - Jesus was only speaking hypothetically!
(Origin of this new light - the "faithful slave" copied and pasted it from a footnote at Matthew 24:45-47 in the NET Bible)
A very dangerous thing happen to us two weeks ago. It could have meant our life.
by Still Totally ADD intwo weeks ago mrs. add and myself was driving home from shopping on a side street when we came upon a man laying on his back with his arms spread out in a t formation.
with no one in site we pulled over our van to help this person.
mrs.add went for her phone to call 911 and i got out of the van to see what i could do.
The Fall Guy
STA - So good to hear that you both survived this incident with just bad feelings about it. As you said, it could've turned into a very bad story for you both.
Just a p.s. when it comes to driving - if you don't have one, buy a dash-cam ASAP!
From personal experience, I can guarantee it can save you a lot of grief - as well as receiving compensation very quickly! :)
A local policeman recently told me that they wished every driver had one in their car.
Little Gems From the November 2018 Study Watchtower
by The Fall Guy inquickly glanced through it and noticed these bits of "food at the proper time.
i'll leave the lap-dancing comment on page 25, par.
12 and the "how to give us more money" item on pages 28,29,30,31,32 for others to pick up on... page 16, par.
The Fall Guy
Quickly glanced through it and noticed these bits of "food at the proper time."
I'll leave the lap-dancing comment on page 25, par. 12 and the "How to give us more money" item on pages 28,29,30,31,32 for others to pick up on..
Page 16, par. 14 - "Jesus confirmed that we can trust in Jehovah as the Great Timekeeper, not focusing on “times or seasons” that God has not yet revealed." (Acts 1:7)
So why hasn't the W8rwick "slave" stopped focussing on how close the end is?
Page 18, par. 1 - “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me, because you think, not God’s thoughts, but those of men.” (Matt. 16:21-23)
So JW's have not to think about the thoughts of (8) men????????
Page 21, par. 13 - “The faithful and discreet slave” does not exercise control over the thoughts of individuals, and neither do the elders.
And they expect the publisher minions to actually swallow this???????
Page 22, par. 20 - Remember, there are basically two sources of information—Jehovah (aka WTBTS) and the world under Satan’s control.
Bad internet, bad internet!!!!
Page 31, QFR - Jesus counseled his apostles not to seek a position of prominence among their fellow believers.
LOL :) No comment needed for this piece of verbal diarrhoea from a G.B. "helper" who seeks more prominence.
Most recent JW statistics
by Half banana inhas anyone come across detailed 2017 jw org statistics so we can compare them to previous years?
or are they now obscured in a soapy film of praise to the demi-gods at warwick to disguise the decline?.
The Fall Guy
"Lies, damned lies, and statistics." - Benjamin Disraeli.
Discussion with Current Witnesses
by JWTom ini am an active witness that has visited this site a few times over the years.
i am interested in talking with current or recently transitioned away witnesses.
feel free to email me on here or i talk with witnesses on google hangouts or skype too.
The Fall Guy
Welcome Tom. You have a PM.